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    Merson Auto Yokohama Tire Giveaway

    Congratulations Carol L. the winner of our Merson Auto Yokohama Tire Giveaway! No purchase necessary a Rafflecopter giveaway Contest Rules    

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    Your Tire is Texting You

    Do you recognize this: ILUVU4URAQT If you are old enough to own a car, you’re likely old enough to remember that “sentence”, which may go down in the history books as the world’s first widespread use of emoticons and abbreviations in place of a phrase*. And it’s not too bad given that texting hadn’t been

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    Don’t Get Left Out In The Cold!

    A Merson person can see the beauty in any car – from bumper to bumper, we are car fanatics. Despite our love affair, we understand that cars are not perfect machines. They can be finicky at times, even if properly maintained. Don’t worry; this isn’t going to be a nagging blog about seasonal maintenance appointments,